Becca Perry Joins Family Bloodstock Business
Bruce and Anna are delighted that their daughter Becca is joining the Bruce Perry Bloodstock team. Becca has grown up around the Bloodstock and Racing industry and is really looking forward to getting more involved as we further grow the business.
Since leaving school Becca has completed a Bachelor’s degree and spent time living and travelling around the United States. Most recently she was working in Wellington as a Sports, Meetings and Events Travel Tour Coordinator. It was always Becca’s plan to get more involved with Bruce Perry Bloodstock and with Covid-19 hitting the travel industry with force, it was the ideal time to make the switch.

Becca & Bruce Perry
With the industry going through unprecedented times Bruce is adamant the future is bright, but people and businesses must adapt. Bruce Perry Bloodstock will be no different and thankfully can call on years of experience including the lessons learned from the 1987 Sharemarket crash which was just after the agency was established.
Bringing Becca on board will definitely be a huge advantage for the Company. With so much uncertainty surrounding auctions you would expect more breeders to retain quality yearlings and take them through to the racing stage to target the strong tried horse market. This is certainly one area that we will look to develop and involve her in. Likewise, it would be no surprise to see a swing back toward more private sales of mares, foals and yearlings so again that will continue to be a major focus going ahead. The BPB website will be used as a platform where Becca will be listing both current sales and stallion nominations for the upcoming breeding season.
Becca will also be working with Cherry Taylor in her Bloodstock Insurance business. She recently completed a General Insurance, Law and Regulation for Brokers paper and is delighted to be given the opportunity to learn from the best and be part of such a highly respected insurance brokerage. Bruce Perry Bloodstock has had a long-standing relationship with Cherry and both felt it was a great opportunity for all parties.